the companion Project

This collection of watercolor and pastel pieces came to me during a time of quiet loneliness and discernment. During this period, in my attempt to “listen and understand”,  I began daily to sit and draw.

What came first were shapes…circles, ovals, lines. And then followed more organic forms of petals, wing-like features, antenna, —“signs of life”.  After the initial drawing stage, I layered thin paths of translucent color, in an attempt to re-create the interior luminosity I felt that came to me with each image.

These were slow paintings often taking months to complete, asking for my long-attention and a patience I could not have expected. In the end  they became, for me, what I can only describe as beings or presences

I have kept these paintings around my home and studio and they seem to unfold over time. To me, they exist in a space between the Drishti ( a yogic focal point allowing our minds and bodies to balance and expand) and an icon (a visual symbol representing more than itself, bearing a fragment of reality). And yet,  in the end, I feel they each most resemble a companion- a presence beside and with us.

