
(b. 1979) Bend, Oregon. 

Studied painting and sculpture in Portland, OR under Margarita Leon

B.A. UNC Chapel Hill, studied English and Painting


Songwriter/performer in Roman Candle

Released “Says Pop” 
(2002 Chapel Hill, NC, Outlook Music)

Released “Wee Hours Revue”
(2006 New York, NY, V2 Records)

Released “O Tall Tree in the Ear”

(2009, Carnival Records, Nashville, TN)

Released “Debris”, Big Light Recordings, Nashville, TN

Created, Published “Drinks With: An Interview Series”
(2009- present, American Songwriter, Paste Magazine)

“Published and co-created” 5 humans
(2005, 2007, 2010, 2014, 2016)

Moved to France, began work on paintings for “The Word Flower Thrives in Every Language”

“Immersive Gardens” painting collection released


“Companion” painting collection released


“Landscape” painting collection released


The Canopy Program 2023-2024

Currently lives and works from the Central Coast, CA.